Friday, February 7, 2014

Vacation Time in Yuma 2/8-17

Vacation in Yuma    2/8-17
Left for Yuma after work on Friday 2/7 My Birthday.
This post is just a out line of the events for the week.  The other post will have pictures and info.

2/8-9 sat/sun were geocaching days.  Big Geo Events. Satuday evening went to my Birthday dinner.  Sunday met up with Bob/Derrek for a movie - Monument Men (very good) follow by
a dinner at chili's.  Monday apt with Doctor for my annual phys check up-good.
2/11 tue  lots of running around
2/12 wed . Lunch with friend TJ then picked up Marie at the airport coming in from Dallas. 
2/13  thur Marie and I headed to Mexico for dental appt's
2/14 Hiking in the am.  Then over to TJ's house for card nite. 10  people.
2/15 sat Marie and I went to Welton to do a geo Art called the Star.  Then dinner with friends
2/16 sun Trip to San Diego to see my Brother
2/17 mon packed up and headed back to Meteor Crater

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